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thompson (tbird) bishop
Jan 316 min read
4. On Ecopsychology & Radical
If I mention the word radical, what comes to mind? What do you see or feel?

colleen bishop
May 1, 20242 min read
why encounter wilderness for rites of passage?
To live in a way that is attuned with Earth is perhaps the guided-ally to our most sacred-belonging

colleen bishop
May 1, 20242 min read
what is a wilderness vision quest fast?
The wilderness vision quest journey implies a metaphorical death, (severance), a liminal unknown that is pregnant with meaning...

colleen bishop
Feb 7, 20242 min read
entering the portal beneath the surface
By participating in an emergent, attuned liminal experience with the land, we evoke an intersubjective and permeable field of perception tha

colleen bishop
Nov 1, 20237 min read
a u t u m n . . . psyche's muse
A throbbing magnetism pulls me closer to the core, closer to Earth: I feel gravity keeping me; and, in synchrony, I sense my soul untethered

colleen bishop
Nov 5, 20222 min read
optimal flow + liberating movement
One thing we learned on the trail was that this is a very vulnerable time—a lot of exposure—

colleen bishop
Feb 16, 20222 min read
marking thresholds: rites of passage
Marking a threshold is considered a sanction of vitality + imagination that can enrich the individual + collective body, psyche, spirit

colleen bishop
Feb 16, 20225 min read
tributaries of attunement
The patterns tell the stories of the journeys of belonging
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