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colleen bishop
May 1, 20242 min read
why encounter wilderness for rites of passage?
To live in a way that is attuned with Earth is perhaps the guided-ally to our most sacred-belonging

colleen bishop
Nov 1, 20237 min read
a u t u m n . . . psyche's muse
A throbbing magnetism pulls me closer to the core, closer to Earth: I feel gravity keeping me; and, in synchrony, I sense my soul untethered

colleen bishop
Feb 16, 20222 min read
marking thresholds: rites of passage
Marking a threshold is considered a sanction of vitality + imagination that can enrich the individual + collective body, psyche, spirit

colleen bishop
Feb 16, 20225 min read
tributaries of attunement
The patterns tell the stories of the journeys of belonging
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