Inclusion Diversity Equity Justice
all people, all abilities, all nature
Alchemy of Prana believes that all people should have the opportunity to experience deep connection with nature and is committed to ensuring all people of all abilities can immerse themselves safely in the wilds of this beautiful planet. The creation of healing, equitable, kind, and just human communities is at the core of our ethos and a part of our heart-based praxis.

Alchemy of Prana is committed to the USFS Guidelines for supporting all people to participate. According to both ADA and USFS guidelines, participation is open based on what can be done, not what cannot be done. In this regard, Alchemy of Prana has two sets of guidelines. First and foremost, however, is that we believe that all people should have the opportunity to connect with the natural world, and are interested and willing to adjust our programs so that we can support all abilities. Prior to all programs, one or both of the guides has a private meeting with each participant to provide an initial connection and create space for dialogue around all questions and details. Finally, no person will ever be turned away for financial reasons; Alchemy of Prana has a scholarship fund and offers person-specific funding as needed—including 100%.
For backpacking programs:
For the safety and enjoyment of participants, each participant is suggested to have the ability to:
Move through trail systems independently or with assistance;
Setup and break camp independently or with assistance;
Camp in the wilderness, including cooking, sleeping, and eating, independently or
with assistance;
Pack/re-pack a backpack and carry it for the duration of the program independently or
with assistance;
Should these not feel supportive, Alchemy of Prana will take the necessary steps to support
each participant based on direct conversations.
For car-camping programs:
For the safety and enjoyment of participants, each participant is suggested to have the ability to:
Move around the basecamp location independently or with assistance;
Setup and break camp independently or with assistance;
Camp in the wilderness, including cooking, sleeping, and eating, independently or
with assistance;
Pack/re-pack a vehicle and luggage independently or with assistance;
Should these not feel supportive, Alchemy of Prana will take the necessary steps to support
each participant based on direct conversations.

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We would love to connect and understand how we can collaborate and support all of life to connect and experience our relatedness with nature.
email us at: